Price From
Other Filters

  • Aconite 30c DC
    Fear and fright, first sign of illness
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Aconite 30c FA
    Fear and fright
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Alfalfa 30c CH
    Increase appetite and encourage weight gain
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Alfalfa 30c DC
    Increase milk supply
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Alfalfa 30c FA
    Increase milk supply
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Arn / Acon / Bell DC
    Shock, trauma and bruising including to the reproductive organs
    NZ$ 55.00
    NZ$ 47.83 excl GST
  • Arn / Acon / Bell p FA
    Shock, trauma and bruising including to the reproductive organs
    NZ$ 19.00
    NZ$ 16.52 excl GST
  • Arnica 30c
    Stone bruising, shock, physical trauma
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Arnica 30c CH
    Shock, physical trauma, bruising, swelling and inflammation
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Arnica 30c DC
    Stone bruising, shock, physical trauma
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Bacillinum 200c DC
    Bacillinum for Ringworm
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Bacillinum 200c FA
    Bacillinum for Ringworm
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Baryta carb 30c
    For animals that fail to thrive
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Baryta carb 30c CH
    For chickens that fail to thrive.
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Baryta carb 30c DC
    For animals that fail to thrive
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Belladonna 1M
    Grass staggers
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Belladonna 1M DC
    Grass staggers
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Belladonna 200c DC
    Milk fever and mastitis
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Belladonna 200c FA
    Milk fever and Mastitis
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • BL Blend FA
    Bloat and Frothy Bloat in Farm Animals
    NZ$ 19.00
    NZ$ 16.52 excl GST
  • BL Nosode DC
    Bloat nosode
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • BL Nosode FA
    Bloat nosode
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Bryonia 200c
    Hard quarter mastitis
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Bryonia 200c DC
    Hard quarter mastitis
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Calc phos 30c FA
    Strong, healthy bones, tendons and connective tissue
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Cal / Mag 30c FA
    Calcium / Magnesium - to assist the body in assimilating these minerals.
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Cal / Mag DC
    Calcium / Magnesium - to assist the body in assimilating these minerals.
    NZ$ 55.00
    NZ$ 47.83 excl GST
  • Carbo veg 30c
    For an animal that is down, weak and cold
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Carbo veg 30c CH
    Collapsed, cold, wet or unresponsive chickens
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Carbo veg 30c DC
    For the cow that is down, weak and cold
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Caulophyllum 200c DC
    Retained placenta
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Caulophyllum 30c
    Uterine tonic, to naturally encourage labour
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Caulophyllum 30c DC
    Uterine tonic, to naturally encourage calving
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Chelidonium 6c DC
    Liver support especially around facial eczema
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Chelidonium 6c FA
    Liver support especially around facial eczema
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Clostridium 30c FA
    Clostridium diseases
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Coccidi Blend CH - coccidiosis in chickens
    Support for Coccidiosis in chickens
    NZ$ 19.00
    NZ$ 16.52 excl GST
  • Colchicum 30c
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Colchicum 30c DC
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Conium 30c DC
    Nerve damage and rear end paralysis
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Drying off milk FA
    Decrease milk supply when drying off
    NZ$ 19.00
    NZ$ 16.52 excl GST
  • Echinacea 30c CH
    To boost immunity and help protect against bacterial diseases
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Euphrasia 30c DC
    Pink eye
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Farm Mend DC
    General infections and wounds
    NZ$ 55.00
    NZ$ 47.83 excl GST
  • Farm Mend FA
    Infections and wounds
    NZ$ 19.00
    NZ$ 16.52 excl GST
  • Farm Mend FA
    Infection and wounds
    NZ$ 19.00
    NZ$ 16.52 excl GST
  • Farm WRM CH
    Worms and internal parasite complaints in chickens and farm animals
    NZ$ 19.00
    NZ$ 16.52 excl GST
  • Farm WRM DC
    Worms and internal parasite complaints in farm animals.
    NZ$ 55.00
    NZ$ 47.83 excl GST
  • Farm WRM FA
    Worms and internal parasite complaints in farm animals.
    NZ$ 19.00
    NZ$ 16.52 excl GST
  • FE Nosode
    Facial eczema nosode
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • FE Nosode DC
    Facial eczema nosode
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Fowl Pox Blend
    A blend to assist with fowl pox.
    NZ$ 19.00
    NZ$ 16.52 excl GST
  • FR Nosode
    Foot rot nosode
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • FR Nosode DC
    Foot rot nosode
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Healthy Chick
    Increase egg production, growth and health of your chickens and birds
    NZ$ 19.00
    NZ$ 16.52 excl GST
  • Hoof Blend DC
    Lameness due to infection,
    NZ$ 55.00
    NZ$ 47.83 excl GST
  • Hoof Blend FA
    Lameness due to infection
    NZ$ 19.00
    NZ$ 16.52 excl GST
  • Hypericum 200c CH
    Nerve tonic
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Hypericum 200c DC
    Nerve tonic
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Hypericum 200c FA
    Nerve tonic
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Hypericum 30c FA
    Bad effects from eczema
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Ignatia 30c
    Emotional upset and trauma
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Ignatia 30c CH
    Emotional upset and stress. To calm birds.
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Ignatia 30c DC
    Emotional upset and trauma
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Infectious Coryza in Chickens
    A blend to assist with infectious coryza in chickens
    NZ$ 19.00
    NZ$ 16.52 excl GST
  • Iodum 30c FA
    Emaciated cows that won't put on or keep condition
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Kali Ars 200c DC
    To restore skin after a ringworm infection
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Kali ars 30c FA
    To restore skin after a ringworm infection
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Lami Remedy FA
    NZ$ 19.00
    NZ$ 16.52 excl GST
  • Mareks Blend - mareks disease
    Marek's disease in chickens
    NZ$ 19.00
    NZ$ 16.52 excl GST
  • MB Nosode
    Nosode of the most common bacteria in mastitis
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • MB Nosode DC
    Nosode of the most common bacteria in mastitis
    NZ$ 55.00
    NZ$ 47.83 excl GST
  • Multi V & M CH
    Multi vitamin and mineral support
    NZ$ 19.00
    NZ$ 16.52 excl GST
  • Multi V & M FA
    Multi vitamins and mineral support
    NZ$ 19.00
    NZ$ 16.52 excl GST
  • Non-cycling DC
    For animals that are not cycling
    NZ$ 55.00
    NZ$ 47.83 excl GST
  • Nux vom 30c
    Nitrate poisoning, Dietary change, Overfeeding and Acidosis
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Nux vom 30c CH
    Enlarged or impacted crops
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Nux vom 30c DC
    Nitrate poisoning, Dietary change, Overfeeding and Acidosis
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • PE Nosode DC
    Pink eye
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Phos ac 30c DC
    For the animal that is exhausted and not recovering well
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Phos ac 30c FA
    For the animal that is exhausted and not recovering well
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Pluckie
    Self mutilation and plucking of feathers
    NZ$ 19.00
    NZ$ 16.52 excl GST
    Mastitis blend
    NZ$ 55.00
    NZ$ 47.83 excl GST
    NZ$ 19.00
    NZ$ 16.52 excl GST
  • Pulsatilla 30c DC
    Relax heifers
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Pulsatilla 30c FA
    Relax new mums
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Pyrogenium 200c DC
    Uterus infections, cleanse the uterus
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Pyrogenium 30c CH
    Fetid, smelly infections
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Pyrogenium 30c DC
    Navel and joint ill
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Pyrogenium 30c FA
    Navel infections
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • RGS Nosode DC
    Rye Grass Staggers nosode
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • RM Blend CH - red mites on chickens
    NZ$ 19.00
    NZ$ 16.52 excl GST
  • RV Nosode DC
    Roto virus nosode
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • SC Blend DC
    Scours in young animals
    NZ$ 55.00
    NZ$ 47.83 excl GST
  • SC Blend FA
    Scours in young animals
    NZ$ 19.00
    NZ$ 16.52 excl GST
  • SC Nosode DC
    Use as a preventative to scours or ill affects
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Sepia 30c
    Getting animals to cycle
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST
  • Sepia 30c DC
    Getting animals to cycle
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Silica 30c DC
    Pink eye
    NZ$ 50.00
    NZ$ 43.48 excl GST
  • Single Remedy FA
    A single homeopathic remedy handmade from our dispensary 25ml - 500ml
    NZ$ 17.60
    NZ$ 15.30 excl GST

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Natural Homeopathic and Herbal Remedies for Cats, Dogs, Horses and all animals