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  • Anal GL - Anal Glands in Dogs
    Discover a holistic solution for anal gland problems in cats and dogs. Our affordable remedy supports impacted anal glands in dogs, reducing symptoms like swelling and odour. This natural approach addresses anal glands in dogs, promoting overall well-being. Ensure a happier, healthier pet with our gentle, effective remedy.
    NZ$ 27.50 25ml
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Feline Resp Tonic - Cat Asthma
    Discover a holistic solution for a cat with an asthma attack. Our affordable homeopathic remedy supports respiratory health, reducing symptoms like wheezing and coughing. This natural approach helps manage asthma in cats, promoting overall well-being. Buy our cheap yet helpful tonic and ensure a happier, healthier life for your feline companion.
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Tagiwig 25ml Remedy
    Tagiwig remedy in a 25ml bottle
    NZ$ 27.50 25 ml
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • BladderTone - Remedy for Urinary Incontinence
    Discover a natural solution for urinary incontinence in dogs and cats. Our homeopathic remedy supports bladder health, reducing symptoms like urine leakage and accidents. Our affordable remedy promotes overall well-being. Buy now for a cheap, holistic approach to natural dog incontinence and remedies for urinary incontinence in dogs and cats
    NZ$ 27.50 25ml
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Bowel Move - Cat and Dog Constipation, Cat Hairballs
    Discover a natural, affordable solution for dog constipation, cat constipation, and troublesome cat hairballs. Our homeopathic remedy gently supports digestive health, easing symptoms of constipation and hairball discomfort in your pets. Promote their comfort and overall well-being with our effective treatment. Buy now for fast relief at a cheap price!
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Canine Sniffles
    Kennel cough remedy for dry hacking cough, respiratory and chest inflammation in Dogs
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Cush Rx – Cushings in dogs and cats
    Discover a holistic solution for Cushing's disease in dogs and cats. Cush Rx, our affordable and natural remedy, helps reduce symptoms like thirst, hair loss, and fatigue. This gentle remedy promotes overall well-being in pets. Buy Cush Rx today for a cheap, helpful way to manage Cushing's disease naturally!
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • DrainHom
    A homeopathic drainage remedy for cleansing and detoxing the body in cats and dogs.
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Drama Queen
    Emotional upset, anxiety, stress and hysterical behaviour , including separation anxiety and over grooming in cats and dogs.
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Ears
    Ear mites and ear inflammation in cats and dogs
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • F.A.D Flea Allergy Dermatitis
    Flea Allergy Dermatitis - FAD in Cats and Dogs.
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Fear Less
    Fear of thunder, fireworks and loud noises in Cats and Dogs.
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Feline Sniffles - Cat flu
    Discover a powerful natural remedy for cats suffering from cat flu symptoms. This homeopathic blend assists in relieving upper respiratory infections in cats, easing sneezing, congestion, and discomfort. Keep your feline friend healthy and happy with this gentle, natural solution.
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Flex-eez
    For sprains, strains and muscular injuries in cats and dogs.
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Gut Support
    To soothe, seal and repair the gut of cats and dogs
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • HDM House Dust Mite Allergy
    House dust mite and house dust mite allergy in dogs and cats.
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Heart Tonic
    For Heart complaints, congestive heart failure and heart disorders in cats and dogs
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • HP Canine Program
    Homeoprophylaxis for Dogs.
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • HP Feline Program
    Homeoprophylaxis Program for Cats
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Hyper T - Hyperthyroidism in Cats NZ
    Discover a holistic solution for hyperthyroidism in cats. Our homeopathic remedy supports thyroid problem in cats, reducing symptoms like weight loss, hyperactivity, and increased appetite. This natural approach helps manage thyroid disease in cats, promoting overall well-being. Ensure a happier, healthier life for your feline companion with our gentle remedy.
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Hypo T
    Hypothyroidism in Dogs and Cats
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Immune Tonic
    Natural Immune boost - too assist with a challenged immune system and to boost the immune system of cats and dogs
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Jumpies

    Natural Flea product for flea and tick complaints in cats and dogs (homeopathic and herbal)

    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Jumpies (Hom)
    Natural Flea product for flea and tick complaints in cats and dogs (homeopathic only)
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Keep Moving - Arthritis in Dogs and Cats
    Discover a holistic solution for arthritis in cats and dogs. Our affordable homeopathic remedy alleviates joint pain and inflammation, enhancing mobility and comfort. Buy our natural product to support your pet's overall well-being. This cheap approach ensures a happier, healthier life for your furry companions, providing gentle and lasting relief.
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Kidney Tonic
    For kidney complaints and disorders in cats and dogs.
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Leaky Gut Kit
    Repair a leaky gut in cats and dogs
    NZ$ 93.50
    NZ$ 81.30 excl GST
  • Liver Tonic
    Impaired liver function, digestive and metabolic problems, liver support or liver cleanse in cats and dogs. (homeopathic and herbal)
    NZ$ 29.70
    NZ$ 25.83 excl GST
  • Liver Tonic (Hom)
    Impaired liver function, digestive and metabolic problems, liver support or liver cleanse in cats and dogs. (homeopathic only)
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Missing You
    Natural remedy for emotional upset, grief, pinning, separation anxiety and depression in cats and dogs
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Mouth Tonic
    Gum inflammation, gingivitis, tooth decay, bad breath and tartar build up in cats and dogs.
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Pet Mend
    Natural first aid remedy for cats and dogs for cuts and soft tissue injuries.
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Poly Bowel
    For gut cleanse, balance, reset and support in cats and dogs
    NZ$ 27.50 25ml
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Save Me
    Flower essence blend for shock, distress and restoring calm in cats and dogs
    NZ$ 25.00
    NZ$ 21.74 excl GST
  • Spray
    Cats that Spray
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Spring
    Grass allergy, pollen allergy and wandering jew allergy or allergies in dogs and cats (homeopathic and herbal)
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Stomach Tonic
    Diarrhoea, vomiting and food poisoning in cats and dogs
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Travel
    Travel sickness and associated anxiety in cats and dogs
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Uri-Tone
    Urinary problems, inflammation, crystal build up and cystitis in cats and dogs
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Vax Detox Kit Canine
    Vaccination detox and support kit for dogs
    NZ$ 71.50 75 ml
    NZ$ 62.17 excl GST
  • Vax Detox Kit Feline
    Vaccination detox and support kit for cats
    NZ$ 71.50 75 ml
    NZ$ 62.17 excl GST
  • Wiggles
    Internal parasite complaints and worms in cats and dogs (homeopathic and herbal)
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Wiggles (Hom)
    Internal parasite complaints and worms in cats and dogs (homeopathic only)
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Homeopathic Vax Support
    Bad reactions and to detox after vaccinations.
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Spring (Hom)
    Grass allergy, pollen allergy and wandering jew allergy or allergies in dogs and cats (homeopathic only)
    NZ$ 27.50
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST
  • Tracheal Tonic
    Tracheal Collpase in dogs and cats
    NZ$ 27.50 25ml
    NZ$ 23.91 excl GST

Natural Homeopathic and Herbal Remedies for Cats, Dogs, Horses and all animals