Homeoprophylaxis for Your Animals
It is well known
that there are risks associated with vaccinating, not just for humans but also
for our furry companions. The trouble is
there is no hard evidence to positively link the risks to the vaccines. Is it true that only a tiny minority of dogs
suffer adverse reactions to vaccines or is the problem more common? Do you actually know what a vaccine reaction
is or looks like? Is it something that
happens immediately after your pet has had their shots or can you expect a
reaction to manifest weeks or months later?
It seems to be
happening more and more that a lot of dog’s illnesses begin to manifest within
as little as three months after their vaccination shots, and can continue for
years after and lead to other health problems.
This has not
been written to scare you from vaccinating your animal, it is to make you more
aware, and give you the choice to vaccinate conventionally or to use other
alternatives such as homeoprophylaxis.
Homeoprophylaxis: is the use of potentized substances in a systematic manner to prevent the development of the characteristic symptoms of infectious diseases. It follows the basis of homeopathy being “Like cures Like”. In other words a remedy is chosen on the similarity of the symptoms of that remedy that match to the symptoms of the disease you are wishing to prevent. Homeoprophylaxis works by educating your pet’s immune system about the disease before it is exposed to it, so it can react quickly and effectively. Homeoprophylaxis does not create antibodies like vaccines are said to, but it works on changing the animals susceptibility to the disease.
remedies are made from plants, minerals, animal toxins and diseases. In their natural form they can be very
dangerous, toxic and even fatal. But
homeopathy uses a process called potentization that serial dilutes the remedy,
this takes out all the toxic elements but with each dilution stage the remedy’s
vital force increases.
Nosodes are a
type of homeopathic remedy that has been prepared from infectious organisms,
and potentised so all toxins and infectious contents are removed. For example - the distemper nosode is made
from the distemper virus. This is the
basis of homeoprophylaxis, you give your animal the nosode of the disease that
you would like to protect them against.
Nosodes can be
used safely as a vaccination alternative for those people looking for a more
natural way to support their animals.
At Natural Pet our
homeoprophylaxis programs for cats and dogs uses nosodes that are made from a
combination of the following diseases:
For Dogs For
Parvo Virus Feline
Rhinotracheitis FVR Feline
Leptospirosis Feline
Immunodeficiency Virus Calicivirus FCV
Hepatitis Feline
Peritonitis FIP
Distemper & Hard pad Feline
Enteritis FIR
Kennel Cough Feline
Leukaemia FeLV