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Colostrum Mob

Colostrum Mob

The colostrum mob, the girls who have calved and come into the shed. 

Such a critical time for them to set them up for the rest of the season, and homeopathy can play an essential role in making this happen. In the shed, the focus is on the colostrum mob.

The Arn/Acon/Bell blend is excellent to help with the shock, trauma and bruising of the calving. Arnica is fantastic for assisting with shock and trauma, Aconite for the emotional side of shock and Bellis perrenis for the bruising to the reproductive organs. This blend is perfect for helping reduce swelling and bruising to the reproductive organs and the udder. It can be used in the paddock and the shed.

Ignatia is good at helping with separating mother and calf (giving to both) and helps settle a cow down in the shed.

The PSSC formula is our remedy to assist with mastitis. Use three times a milking to help with lumps, clots or blood in the milk. Check out our mastitis page for other great mastitis remedies. 

Caulophyllum, if there is any retained placenta, will help to expel it.

Hypericum for any nerve damage.

Pyrogenium for any uterus infections.

Tags: Agripathics  dairycow  

Posted: Sunday 7 May 2017