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Sore Feet

Sore Feet

Below we have listed the best remedies to assist sore feet and hooves. When we were dairy farming, we used to combat sore feet from several angles. Picking up large stones on the races and also off the concrete yards in and around the shed so cows don't stand on them and get stone bruising or cuts. The cows were always let go a bit earlier and allowed to walk to the shed at their own pace. They were not to be pushed to the shed. Also, cows were not held tightly in the cow shed yard. If a cow's head is up, it can't see where they are standing or walking; this is when they stand on stones and get injuries.

Arnica is an excellent remedy for stone bruising, treated at an individual in the shed or herd level in the trough. 

Hoof Blend is a blend of homeopathic remedies for cows with lameness, sore feed, redness, swelling or hoof infections. 

FR Nosode is a nosode made for foot rot.

Below is an example of Paulette treating a lame cow.

We had a cow come into the shed lame. On inspecting her hoof, she had a small stone wedged between her toes, this was removed, but she was still not improving, and her foot above the hoof was becoming very red, swollen and inflamed. She was then given the Hoof Blend remedy over several weeks and fully recovered. Usually, a farmer would treat her with antibiotics for infection. However, we managed to help her with homeopathy and regular hoof inspections, so once again, her milk didn't have to be withheld from the vat, so a cost saving as no expensive antibiotics or lost milk. 


Tags: Agripathics  dairycow  

Posted: Monday 15 May 2023