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Vaccinosis in cats and dogs.

Vaccinosis in cats and dogs.

Bad reactions to vaccines (vaccinosis) are something that I see more and more in my practice. Pets are not just having acute reactions to their vaccinations. They also develop longer-term chronic health diseases that manifest months or years later. Years and even generations of over-vaccination bring a deep chronic disease syndrome.

Some chronic diseases related to vaccinations include autoimmune diseases such as irritable bowel disorders and lupus, hypo and hyperthyroidism, liver and kidney issues, ear infections, asthma, skin disorders and chronic dermatitis.

"...not all autoimmune disease comes from vaccines but only vaccinated individuals develop autoantibodies that lead to autoimmune disease. This is because the body's immune system has a type of built-in check and balance against forming autoantibodies, but vaccines blow that whole system straight to hell." ~ Patricia Jordan, DVM, CVND

Here at Natural Pet, we do a Vax Detox Kit that helps pet owners detox and support their pets. The kit can be used either when there has been a bad reaction or a general detox after vaccination. We have two kits, one for cats and one for dogs.

If your pet has had a bad reaction to their vaccination, other homeopathic remedies may be needed to support them. For example, below is a recent case of a puppy that had an acute bad response to his vaccination:

Rolly was a ten weeks old French bulldog puppy. His owner contacted me on 13.9.20 when he was 8-9 weeks of age. He was given a worming tablet at 8 weeks which he reacted to with diarrhoea and pain, and then was vaccinated. He reacted to his vaccination and developed extreme neurotoxicity with inflammation and swelling of the brain and inflammation of the joints, spine, muscles and nervous system. Rolly was put on prednisone to reduce the inflammation, but the effects didn't last the total amount of time before the next tablet.

His symptoms four days after vaccination on 8.9.20 were: Loss of appetite, an hour later lying down, yelping in pain, diarrhoea, head and neck hanging low and shrunken into his body, hunched spine and walking very stiffly and slowly. He also had frequent random widespread pain throughout the body. He was in tremendous pain; his owner thought he would not make it and was losing him.

On 15.9.20, he was started on the Vax Detox Kit and given Belladonna for brain inflammation. Words from his owner: "I gave Rolly a full day's dose yesterday, and so far, it's been amazing! I can't believe how the improvement was almost instant. Normally with one prednisone tablet twice daily, the pain would start getting evident at least an hour before meds were due. Yesterday he was weaned down to half a tablet twice daily and did not display any of these symptoms. He woke this morning as bright as a button and even gave one of his toys the death shake".

Rolly went on to finish the Vax Detox Kit, then was given Kidney Tonic to help clear the kidneys, especially after all the steroid use. His owner says he was pain-free after the first dose and has remained so since, and he is now back to his usual self.

Rolly had a very intense and acute reaction to his vaccination, and if he had not had the homeopathic remedies, we don't know what his outcome would have been. Not all pets have those reactions, luckily. But many have long-term health issues, as mentioned above, that severely affect them and their owners.

So what can you do to help your pet?

After their vaccination, gets them on to the Vax Detox Kit, either the cat or the dog kit. If you feel your pet has had an acute reaction, contact us as soon as possible, Rolly's mum got us on a Sunday night, and he had his remedies by Tuesday morning. For more chronic health conditions like those mentioned above, you can book a consultation, where we do one-on-one health plans for your pet. This way, we can help improve their overall health.

Tags: Cats  Dogs  Tagiwig  

Posted: Tuesday 15 February 2022